    Doppler Radar
    Display Kit
    Traffic Stats
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Houston Radar LLC supplies a Microsoft Windows® based Stats Analyzer Basic and Pro software package.

Combined with the optional Advanced Traffic Stats in the Radar this package supports:

1. Traffic data is aggregated and logged in 20 speed bins from 5mph (of
5mph width) and time stamped 5 minute intervals.  Aggregation time bins
can be changed from 5min by the user by using the remote for the radar.
It can be changed from 1 minute to any # of minutes but we recommend
staying with the default. 1 minute bins generates a lot of data!

2. The radar stores the last 60 days of traffic data with 5 minute bin settings.

3. Typically the radar can track multiple vehicles simultaneously
in 1 to 2 incoming lanes with best accuracy. However the radar will
track and log vehicle data from whatever it "sees" which can be up to 3
incoming lanes.

The radar rejects all outgoing traffic. It is not included in the stats.

4. We don't guarantee accuracy as traffic and road conditions vary
a lot. However, from our tests and some customer tests against video of
the same traffic our counts are typically ~90%+ accurate in 2 incoming
lane traffic and typically 95%+ accurate with low volume traffic. One
test against video of the traffic showed us to be 96% accurate in
traffic of density of 350 vehicles/hr.

5. The radar's measurement accuracy is better than .5mph However
the 85th percentile speed will be affected by the counts accuracy.
However in most low to medium traffic cases we should be within ±2.5mph

Stats Analysis Software:

(Click here for a step-by-step visual guide to the Stats Analyzer Pro software)

1. Works only on Windows 2000, XP and Vista. Does NOT support 95, Me, 98.

2. Allows user to setup and maintain their stats data via "projects". Each project can have multiple stats in them.

3. Allows export to MS Excel directly if Excel is installed on computer. Also allows export to CSV format.

4. Auto detects serial port and radar port settings and connects to radar easily.

5. Allows "trimming" of the imported data by start/end dates.

6. Generates the 85th percentile report for any selected data
imported into program. Also tells you average, vehicle count, max speed
and date/time of max speed.

7. Plots the following for any data:

a. Vehicle counts vs. speed histogram

b. Vehicle counts vs. time scatter plot. This is also interactive
allowing zooming in/out change start/end date/time. Vehicle count is
updated live based on current zoom window.

c. Vehicle speed vs. time scatter plot. Same zoom features as "b" above.

8. Allows "rebinning" the data into larger time bins. e.g. if data
was captured in 5 minute bins by the radar, you can still "rebin" in 30
minute or 1hr bins to interact with the data. This helps with plotting
while still retaining the underlying resolution for later re-binning
into other time bins. Tying to plot 1 minute data for many days worth
of stats results in a cluttered plot. Re-binning in 30 minute or 1hr
bins shows a much better picture of the traffic.

Of course re-binning does not affect the reports (as long as the start/end dates are the same).

9. Allows setting the connected radar clock and erasing flash memory.

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