Houston Radar Support Forum Product Support FAQ Tetryon Cloud Software Support May I know if I can download and install Tetryon Server on my local network?


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  • apisak
    Post count: 1

    We are currently planned to install multiple Houston Radar then centralize our data in our Ethernet (not internet or cloud).

    We would like to setup a server to correct the data as mentioned. Please let me know how we can download and install Tetryon Server software on my local server and local network ?

    Note: From the document, we must prepare Ubuntu 14.04 (64 bits), RAM4GB, disk space 2GB removed link

    Required software packages LAMP and NTP.

    But we don’t know where to download installation and how to install it.

    Vipin Malik
    Post count: 57

    You may install the server software on a physical computer. While it may be, it need not be installed in the cloud. We also now support Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

    We can provide the Tetryon installer via email. Please send request to info@houston-radar.com.

    Please include your name, company name and if you have purchased the SpeedLane Pro units, the serial numbers. We will get in touch asap.

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